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Dependency Bundle

In order to avoid redundant or outside of logic code, FastJWT provides a way to inject a dependency bundle in route's function with FastJWT.get_dependency.

FastJWT.get_dependency returns a FastJWTDeps instance that is tied to the request and response of the route. This object includes all the dependency available in FastJWT

To show how FastJWTDeps can help reduce code complexity let's focus on authentication via Cookies

from pydantic import BaseModel
from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends
from fastjwt import FastJWT, FastJWTDeps

app = FastAPI()
security = FastJWT()

class LoginData:
    username: str
    password: str'/login')
def login(data: LoginData, fjwt: FastJWTDeps = Depends(security.get_dependency)):
    if data.username == "test" and data.password == "test":
        token = fjwt.create_access_token(uid="test")
        return "CONNECTED"
    return "NOT CONNECTED"'/logout', dependencies=[Depends(security.access_token_required)])
def logout(fjwt: FastJWTDeps = Depends(security.get_dependency)):
    return "DISCONNECTED"
from pydantic import BaseModel
from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
from fastjwt import FastJWT

app = FastAPI()
security = FastJWT()

class LoginData:
    username: str
    password: str'/login')
def login(data: LoginData):
    if data.username == "test" and data.password == "test":
        token = security.create_access_token(uid="test")
        response = JSONResponse(status_code=200, content="CONNECTED")
        security.set_access_cookie(token, response)
        return response
    return "NOT CONNECTED"'/logout', dependencies=[Depends(security.access_token_required)])
def logout():
    response = JSONResponse(status_code=200, content="DISCONNECTED")
    return response

The main difference in those 2 snippets is the implicit context grapped by FastJWTDeps. You don't need to generate get access to the request or create a response object to set/unset cookies for example. This allows for less code, but mostly prevents you to handle fastapi.Response objects that might be outside of your function logic.